secure code | devops | data modelling
Modux has a long history of developing software solutions to support research & industry. Take a browse through some of our latest projects.

Cyber Training & Awareness Game
JavaScript, Angular, riot.js
Client: CPNI / NCSC
Online training game to help spread cyber security awareness throughout organisations maintaining critical national infrastructure

Rapid Automated Cloud Deployment
Python, Ansible, Terraform
Client: FinTech
Rapid deployment and tear down of cloud infrastructure, including on-the-fly domain registration and SSL registration

Machine Learning App Firewall
Python, C, TensorFlow,
An research experiment in partnership with University of Oxford in order to assess the ability to automatically identify inbound web attacks

Building Usage Prediction
C#, Unity
Client: Zurich
Predictive data simulation combined with a room management system, to provide building management staff the ability to effectively manage office work spaces.

Automated Asset Discovery
Python, RabbitMQ, react.js
Client: Telecoms
A collection of Internet bots designed to gather and identify organisational assets on the Internet.

Cyber Security Training Labs
Python, Ruby on Rails, Docker
Client: Finance
Training and workshop computer labs for training software developers, security consultants and technical staff penetration testing and security assessments.